Introducing The Skeleton Crew
Writers are not islands.
Or, they shouldn’t be.
In my case, I wrote in solitude for a long time before I discovered the absolute lifeblood of a writer’s life, which is….drumroll…other people!
Today, I’m introducing you to a few of the people who have made my writing life a little more full. They’re part of “Kell’s Skeleton Crew” a street team designed to support me and lift me up and help me brainstorm nefarious deeds and precarious situations into which I can fling my characters. The following represents just a few members of the crew. Others prefer to work behind the scenes in full Slytherin mode, and for them, I am eternally grateful, as well. But for those members of the Crew who deign to look up from their hidey-holes of awesomeness to show their faces to the world, I bid you a formal, official, public welcome. Now, everyone else can see how lovely you are, too.
the president
Vicky is a teenage book blogger, aspiring author, and artist! She is passionate about everything she does and has absolutely no chill when talking about her favorite books. You can usually find her reading under the covers or buried under a pile of homework. Find Vicky on her blog, Twitter, or Instagram.
the superstar
Kelly Anne Blount is a USA TODAY Bestselling Author and Wattpad Star. Her works have racked up over 20 million reads on Wattpad and her contributions to Tap, Wattpad’s app for chat-style stories, have been “tapped” over 50 million times. Her YA dark thriller, CAPTURED, is being produced by Komixx Entertainment (The Kissing Booth) and Sony Pictures Television. Be sure to keep an eye out for Kelly’s upcoming releases! Her YA sports romance, GOAL TENDING, will be available in 2020 (Entangled) and the CAPTURED audiobook (Audible) will be coming out soon. For more information, visit @KellyAnneBlount on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook or check her out on Amazon or her website.
the editor
Jordyn is a student at a high school in Florida. She writes for her school’s literary magazine and is an editor on her school’s newspaper. Reading is (surprisingly!) her favorite pastime, and she loves to write. She’s a sucker for a character-driven story and couldn’t possibly list her favorite books. She’s been blogging since 2016, and often procrastinates by scrolling through Twitter. She blogs at Jordz the Bibliophile. She can also be found on Instagram and Twitter.
the world traveler
Loie Dunn is a full-time writer of fiction, blogs, and articles. She lives on the East Coast of Canada and is currently querying her sea-faring YA fantasy. She has traveled to Ireland, Haiti, Israel, Mexico, Rome, Wales, Scotland, and England. Please visit her at She loves to meet fellow writers and connect with them. In her free time, she likes to collect sea glass on the beach with her sparky 17-year-old Jack Russell Terrier. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter.
the wordsmith
Meaghan is a YA book blogger over at The Words Gremlin, and she holds a deep love of baked goods and good words (only one of which she's actually decent at making). When she isn't blogging, she's probably spending time with her three rabbits or buried under the covers with a good book. She also has a notebook hoarding problem, but just because shiny new notebooks haven't solved all her problems yet doesn't mean they never will. Obviously the solution is just to get more! You can follow her on her blog, Twitter, and Instagram!
the talent
the PR goddess
Meredith is a full-time children's bookseller and part-time publicist. She blogs at Pandora’s Books, a YA book blog she founded in an attempt to meet people who are just as book-crazy as she is. She loves to read (obviously), write, and yell “PUPPY!” at every dog that wanders into her line of sight. She’s a proud Hufflepuff residing in the Grishaverse, and is obsessed with the television show Reign. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram!
the scientist
JJ is a twenty-something book lover living in Texas. Following through with her lifelong love of sharks, she trained as an oceanographer and currently works in the earth and marine science fields. In her spare time she’s either reading or finding new books to enjoy. Since she attended LSU for her undergraduate degree, she also spends most of the year rooting for her Bayou Bengals in football and baseball— Geaux Tigers! While she reads nearly any genre of book, she particularly adores fantasy and science fiction with a darker edge, which is why she’s so excited for Kelly's debut this fall! Follow her blog, or connect with her on Twitter and Instagram!
the PhD
Toya is 33 years old and finishing up her PhD in organic chemistry. She has an amazing husband, whom she met in grad school, and they have a rambunctious but lovable black cat named Luna. She is an avid reader, who especially loves YA fantasy and sci-fi. Follow her blog, or connect with her on Goodreads, Instagram or Twitter!
the bestie
Caramel ice coffees, fantasy novels and blogging is basically my brand. When I am not blogging and reading you can find me with a makeup brush or probably taking a nap. I co-own The Book Bratz with my two childhood besties where we share our love for all things books. Follow along with her blog or catch her on Twitter or Instagram!
the enthusiast
Kelsey is a single mama from Kansas who loves being a nerd! Her biggest hobby besides hanging out with her daughter, is reading and finding new books to love. She adores her bookstagram account and loves all the friends she’s made! She love being a part of street teams and helping authors and artists get their stories out into the world!! She’s addicted to book boxes and enamel pins! She also has two cats that are more fur than anything!
the Grisha
A huge lover of all-things fantasy, Mia can most frequently be found on the Internet chatting about the Grishaverse and sharing an abundance of cute animal videos. She can also be found blogging over at Pen and Parchment, and has been a part of the book community for over three years. She is a current university student majoring in English with dreams of becoming both an author and an editor. Follow her on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, or Goodreads!
the elven warrior
the animal lover
the stargazer
Morrisa is an avid reader of young adult and new adult books. She’s been reviewing books on her blog MorrBooks for about three years now and just recently started a booktube channel under the same name. In addition to reading she enjoys skiing, traveling, and stargazing. One day she hopes to write novels of her own. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram!
the Wonder Woman
Nathalie DeFelice is a library minion and blogger with a love of the YA fantasy genre. You can generally find her fangirling over the newest YA fantasy title, binging anime like it's going out of style, and scouring the web for Wonder Woman comics. You can also find her snuggling her Bloodhound Topaz, or German Shepherd Onyx if she's not off travelling to her next bookish destination. Her preferred pronouns are she, her, and hers. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram , Tumblr (blog), or read all her posts on The Nerd Daily.
the librarian
Hallie is a Teen Services Librarian in the Bay Area with a passion for YA books and washi tape. Hallie is a professional book hyper and loves helping readers at her library find their next favorite book. When Hallie's not reading, you'll find her searching through thrift stores or organizing her sticker collection. Follow her blog and check her out on Instagram and Twitter!
the rebel
Lili’s love affair with reading started long before starting her book blog, Utopia State of Mind, over three years ago. She focuses on books that transport her to new planets, fighting quests with dragons, and leading rebellions. You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Goodreads.
the Slayer
Ari is a Teen Services Librarian, book blogger, and cat lady based in the SF Bay Area. She's a supporter of diverse stories and is always boosting YA books to the teens at her library, and bugging her coworkers to find out what they're reading. Ari loves devouring YA & middle grade fiction and graphic novels, cuddling cats, and bringing up Buffy the Vampire Slayer trivia when no one has asked for it. Check out Ari’s blog, and follow her on Instagram and Twitter!
the musician
Kester may be small, but he has a big heart and personality. A proud Catholic and Hufflepuff, he is an #MGlit and #kidlit advocate at LILbooKlovers, a book blog devoted mainly to MG and YA literature. Kester is a senior in high school planning to major in Computer Engineer and minor in Music in college. He is an avid musician who can sing and play the violin, piano, and ukulele, though not all at the same time. Through his blog, Kester aims to "Unite Book Lovers, Both Big and Li'l" with his love of books of all ages. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!
the artist
Julia is a lover of books and a Disney fanatic. She’s currently completing her Master's in North American media but already has a degree in English Literature/Linguistics. She’s a graphic designer and an artist on the side. If she’s not reading she’s most likely watching Kdrama's or playing the piano. Julia blogs about books on, and makes bookish edits on Follow her on Twitter and Instagram!