Despite Her Nerves, Olivia Stepped Up to Be the Leader


Full Name: Olivia Rack

Hometown: Cincinnati, OH

Age: 14 

Tell Me About Your Strength!

Around September of 2015, my select soccer season finally began. I was beyond exited to start off the season and to see my soccer friends after a very long time. After a couple of weeks of training and hard work, my coach thought it was a good time to pick someone to be the captain of the team, or the leader on the field in other words.

I thought that it would be such an honor to be chosen for such a great role.

Later that week, it was time to announce who was going to be chosen. I was anxiously waiting to hear who he was going to pick. Once I heard my name I was thrilled! I was also nervous since being captain is such a big role. As captain you have to talk to the ref about their outrageous calls, cheer up your teammates after a rough game or practice, always be encouraging, always stay positive, and most importantly, never give up. I knew it may be hard, but I was ready. My strength is to always encourage others to work hard and to be a leader.

Something Unique About Me: I love volunteering to help out others in my community.

Olivia, I'm so happy you stepped up to take on this leadership position even though you were nervous. You learn the most about your strength when you face your fears head-on. So proud of you! XOXO - Kelly

Are you a strong young woman? Click here to tell me your story and you could be featured, too!

Kelly Coon